Engaged Media: Involuntary Journeys

Composite Paintings from storytelling on Google Earth.

For an interactive journey following the Rohingya Khairul, download the .kmz file here. The painter ‘M’s’ escape from the Syrian persecution you can download here. Then start the kmz file in Google Earth.

The project started with Refugee interviews on Lesbos collected on a Project Blog site + explained on this site under ‘Talks+ Shows’. I migrated selected stories as an interactive path onto Google Earth, some of them with intricate textual + image overlays. The images below are compositions of expressive moments of these refugee trails.

Involuntary Journeys – M in Aleppo, dead end
Involuntary Journeys – M in Damascus
Involuntary Journeys – Khairul, lost in mountains and city
Involuntary Journeys – Khairul fleeing Myanmar
Involuntary Journeys – Khairul, interrupted childhood
InvoluntaryJourneys – M the Syrian artist.